Picture of grass and a phone with an app open to control the smart
Receive a rebate for up to $100 when you purchase an eligible
WaterSense labeled smart controller. Smart controllers reduce water waste by
automatically adjusting how often and how long a landscape is watered based on local
weather and landscape conditions.
Picture of ab backyard with water-wise landscaping."
Homeowners living within qualifying cities can receive incentives from
converting lawn areas to water-efficient landscaping and converting overhead spray
irrigation to drip irrigation within existing planting beds. Lawn conversion projects are
eligible for $1.50-$3.00 per square foot of lawn replaced, depending on the city, while drip
conversion projects are eligible for $0.50-$1.00 per square foot of planting bed area
converted to drip irrigation. Additionally, new homes with no landscaping to convert are
eligible for $1.50 per square foot of water-efficient landscaping installed in the
backyards. Applicants for the Landscape Incentive Program can receive incentives for
converting their whole yard all at once or may apply multiple times and complete their
landscaping in phases. Check out Utah Water Savers' suite of resources and information to
learn more and apply.
Picture of a white toilet in a bathroom with a banner across the image
that says "toilet replacement"
Receive up to $150 when you replace your old toilet with a
WaterSense labeled toilet! Toilets use more water than any other indoor fixture. Because
toilets manufactured before 1994 use more gallons of water per flush, replacing them is
an easy way to conserve water.